Sprite Component in GameplayKit
Use a dedicated sprite component with GameplayKit using Swift to decouple rendering from transformations.
Use a dedicated sprite component with GameplayKit using Swift to decouple rendering from transformations.
Create a transform component for GameplayKit in Swift to get a clean and robust API for everything related to position, rotation, and scale.
Flag and batch remove objects from the game world by using a GameplayKit component and component system with Swift.
Use Swift protocols together with GameplayKit's GKComponents for a convenient and flexible way to add all kinds of optional visual debug info during gameplay.
How to implement contact notifications with a Swift protocol to delegate hit test logic on collisions between entities on top of GameplayKit and SpriteKit.
Implementing an automatic system for contact test notifications on collisions with entities and components on top of GameplayKit and SpriteKit.
Swift strategies to hold references between GKComponents in GameplayKit with convenience properties.