Devlog #3: Collision Detection
The third devlog of my shoot'em up game is up. This time I walkthrough my latest implementations regarding handling collision detection in Swift, SpriteKit and GameplayKit.
The third devlog of my shoot'em up game is up. This time I walkthrough my latest implementations regarding handling collision detection in Swift, SpriteKit and GameplayKit.
Implementing an automatic system for contact test notifications on collisions with entities and components on top of GameplayKit and SpriteKit.
Shmup game devlog #2, implementing spawning points and enemy movements with Swift, SpriteKit and GameplayKit.
Shmup game devlog #1, introduction and player input. Building a game with Swift and SpriteKit.
Using Swift to implement a solid keyboard input handler for games on macOS.
Swift strategies to hold references between GKComponents in GameplayKit with convenience properties.